Each year the Beta Chapter hosts several events that have become annual and traditional events.
These events add to the character and history of our Chapter.
National Founder's Day Dinner
On May 1st, our Sisterhood invites all sisters and their guests to join in a banquet celebration of anniversary of the national founding of Alpha Sigma Kappa.
Local Founder's Day Picnic
On a weekend around September 13th every year, our Sisterhood invites all siblings and their guests to join in a banquet celebration of anniversary of the local founding of the Beta Chapter of Alpha Sigma Kappa.
Masquerade Ball
First held in 1996, our Masquerade Ball is a costume party held once each year. The event is traditionally a philanthropy event with admission to the Ball being originally a non-perishable item donation that is given to a local shelter, but has since been changed to a ticket purchase with the proceeds going towards STEM education efforts.
Every fall semester the chapter hosts a themed formal event for all siblings and their guests. This event is held as a dance with some form of catered or provided meals or snacks. It is typically held near the end of the semester and provides the chapter with a chance to dress up and enjoy each others company.
Sisterhood Retreat
Held each semester, this retreat focuses on building sisterhood and strengthening the bonds within the sisterhood. We discuss the good things the chapter has done that semester, and plan for ways to improve for the next semester.
Study Hours
Every semester, the scholarship committee organizes weekly study hours. During these study hours, our siblings come together and study as a group to encourage each to do well in our classes. Siblings sometimes help one another with homework, if possible, and create a generally studying conducive atmosphere. They are typically held at the same time every week, at the time and place determined by the siblings on the scholarship committee.
Each year the chapter endeavors to participate in a number of service projects such as The Big Event, Shack-A-Thon, Race for the Cure, Relay for Life, mentoring middle school age girls with SciGirls or GirlsWhoCode, and/or travelling to a local animal shelter to socialize cats and walk dogs.
IHOP Night
Once a semester, typically during initiation week, the chapter decides a night to all eat at IHOP as a group. We all attend in our pajamas and eat breakfast food as a bonding event.