Alpha sigma kappa
women and Gender minorties in technical studies

Bid Night - Fall 2023
Candidate Event - Fall 2023
Formal - Fall 2023
Alpha Sigma Kappa is a social sorority for technical majors. We are a group of young women and gender minorities supporting each other through a siblinghood. We accept undergraduate and graduate students in Architecture, Engineering, Mathematics and the Sciences.
Support is essential while pursuing a degree in engineering, mathematics, or any other technical major because we all meet the same challenges. We encourage friendship - between you and your fellow siblings, fellowship - helping others, and commitment - to yourself and the organization.
Alpha Sigma Kappa has a longstanding tradition of promoting diversity and inclusiveness as part of our core mission. It is our steadfast belief that our organization benefits by reaching out to welcome individuals of different ethnicity, religious beliefs, and/or sexual orientations. Alpha Sigma Kappa does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or religion.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
"It helps to know that you're not alone in any kind of a struggle, that someone understands and may be able to guide you. It helps when there's a roomful of people around who are offering you a place to meet, on a regular basis, to study, to get to know each other, to have fun. It helps to know, that even if you've been working by yourself on homework, because that's how you work best, or even if you've decided that a club meeting or going to the store tonight takes precedence over studying, you know that a lot of people with similar interests are gathered in a certain place and can be reached if you need them."
After all, this is what we're all about.
— N. Lynn (Ghose) Cabrera, Beta Chapter Founder